
RA Chess Club - Homepage (redirected from FrontPage)

Page history last edited by John Upper 1 year, 8 months ago


NEXT: Jan.20-Mar.3: Club Championship

2021-22 Schedule Recent Competitions Junior Successes World-Class Events Club Champs




The RA Chess Club is the place to play in Ottawa and is one of the largest and most active chess clubs in Canada. 



The Club schedules about 95 sessions at the RA Centre  throughout the year.

Thursdays: 6:30-11 p.m. (games start at 7:00, usually in the Courtside B Room) the Club holds a series of CFC-rated tournaments.  You play one game.  We are now using 60+30 but 90+30 is our usual time control. 
Sundays: 1–4 p.m. (usually in the Courtside B Room, but sometimes elsewhere, check at Info Desk) feature an unrated, 5 round, 10m+5s, Swiss. The Sunday Rapid is free and a good way for non-members to try out the chess club.
    Members who choose not to play in a scheduled event may play casual chess at any time.


Membership & Guests

Membership: Open to any member of the RA Centre who is age 14 or older and, at the Club’s discretion, persons younger than 14 who demonstrate chess ability and social maturity. [N.B. Persons younger than 14 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times.] Memberships in the RA and the RA Chess Club may be purchased seven days a week at the RA Centre’s Main Desk (613-733-5100), located near the East Wing entrance. Annual Adult fees are $89 + HST and Family fees are $109 + HST. Please visit the following link for details https://www.racentre.com/adult-clubs-programs/chess/join-the-club/

Guests: Are welcome anytime and are encouraged to join the Club. On Thursday evenings to play rated chess members have to belong to the Chess Federation of Canada.

Current RACC Champion

WIM Svitlana Demchenko (with Halldor Palsson, Championship Trophy, and winner's cheque)




July 2019 

Three RACC players win at 2019 CYCC!!!


The 2019 Canadian Youth Chess Championship ran July 6-10, 2019 in Regina. It attracted 186 players. Three players from the RACC won their sections:

  • Johnathan Han (U10)
  • Daniel Xu (U12)
  • Svitlana Demchenko (U16)


The CYCC determines the Canadian chess champions in six age groups -- U8, U10, U12, U14, U16, U18 -- in two sections: Open and Girls. The top finishers go on as Canada's official representatives at the World Youth and World Cadet Chess Championships, as well as the North American Youth Championships.


Daniel Xu (second from left); Johnathan Han (next to Daniel); Svitlana Demchenko (2nd from R).


 photo: 2019 CYCC Winners, by Victoria Jung-Doknjas 



May 16, 2019:

AGM & Champion's Simul


The RACC held it's AGM May 16. Executive positions were maintained by acclamation: President: John Upper; Tournaments Director: Halldor Palsson; Secretary: Christian Collins; with David Gordon stepping up to be webmanager, a position which will go into effect when this site is replaced by a new one with a more user-friendly URL and coding base.


Following the AGM, 2019 RACC co-Champion WFM Svitlana Demchenko gave a clock simul against 17 players, scoring +12 =4 -1.





January 17, 2019: 

GM Sambuev Simul for Syrian Refugee Family


The RACC hosted a Charity Simul on January 17 -- featuring GM Bator Sambuev -- for a Syrian refugee family that has recently moved to Ottawa.


GM Sambuev faced 26 players in a 90+30 clock simul, scoring +22 =2 -2. Daniel Labib won in a difficult exchange-up ending, and W.Griffin also won (thanks to a touch-move error by the GM in a winning position). Amos Kuttner and Ben Kellar scored draws, the former doing so despite giving himself less time than allowed by playing in the traditional simul style of waiting for the GM to step up for his board before playing his move.



photos John Upper

more photos on the Chess Canada facebook page





October 4, 2018:
Tandem Clocked Simultaneous Exhibition by GM Reinaldo Vera and GM Luis Manuel Perez


GMs Reinaldo Vera and Luis Manuel Perez gave a against 38 opponents.


Start time: 7:30 pm (please be there 15 min before to register and settle in)

Time control:  90 min + 30 s.

Cost: $25, less $5 for RA members.



more photos by John Upper


Reinaldo Vera got his grandmaster title in 1988.  He won the Cuban Championship in 1997 and 2001.  GM Vera was a member of the Cuban national chess team for more than two decades.  GM Vera is a graduate of Havana University and has written for many chess magazines, including New in Chess, Jaque, and Peon de Rey.  He is also a FIDE Senior Trainer, and the coach to the Cuban national chess team. GM Vera is the author of two books in the Gambit Chess Explained series, The Meran Semi-Slav (2007) and The Nimzo-Indian (2008).   


Luis Manuel Perez got his grandmaster title in 2008. Best known in Cuba as one of the country's best blitz players, GM Perez is 2018 Cuban blitz champion.   




Almost all Thursday night events are rated by the CFC, so players also pay the CFC’s $3 rating fee for each rated tournament. CFC Membership ($48/year for Ontario residents, $30 for juniors) may be purchased from the CFC or from tournament directors on Thursday nights.  

Contact Us

For more information, contact the Tournament Directors listed in the 2019-20 Schedule for details of specific events, or the Club Executive listed on our Club Contact Information.



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